Potential of POSTCOVID-AI

POSTCOVID-AI is still in progress, continuing with the analysis and preparation of the visualisation tool for the different parameters recorded. Using this tool, anyone interested will be able to navigate through the data to visualise the temporal dynamics of parameters such as mood or physical activity levels of the study population. This will provide a more complete and useful overview than the one usually provided by data collected at specific points in time, as mentioned in this article (https://theconversation.com/como-evolucionan-nuestras-emociones-durante-una-pandemia-150467).

The potential and usefulness of this project goes beyond mere scientific interest and could play a relevant role in the management and implementation of resources at the institutional and non-profit level. Let's imagine a city council that has continuous records of a representative percentage of its population, distributed among all its districts. In order to find out the physical activity habits of the citizens, a one-off survey could be carried out, but there is no doubt that a continuous register will provide much more information on changes depending on the time of year or on initiatives for the promotion of sport. Moreover, such a continuous register makes it possible to obtain as many snapshots as necessary, as well as to analyse the dynamics of changes over time. Even more relevant would be to obtain information about the mood of the citizens, the different group-differentiated patterns that can be identified and how these evolve over time. Consider, for example, a situation where negative levels of mood are detected in a certain district and age group. This information would alert the need for a more detailed mental health assessment plan for that group and possible action.

Undoubtedly, continuous monitoring of the mood, physical activity, social interaction patterns, etc., of citizens, always safeguarding their anonymity, would represent a qualitative leap in the management that institutions and non-profit organisations make of the resources aimed at guaranteeing the well-being of citizens.